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Hey could you possibly make this for mobile

What do you mean?

 I didn't understand

can you in some way make the game run on mobile

For mobile i have to remove post processing like motion blue, bloom etc which makes the games ugly so i didn't have any plan for making game run in mobile..

Okay I see


This is an amazing combination of story and puzzle and how hard parenting is. Rage quited at age 13 but I noticed that there is a slight delay before you jump which greatly emphasizes the strength of the jump but can feel very unresponsive in some areas. This is the type of game that if you spend time to perfect will blossom into an amazing game, I would love to see a much more polished and perfected version of this game, it is as hard as it is inspiring. Top marks for this game

Thank you for your review!! 

Really appreciate it:)

I `ll work on Improving and Polishing the game more, just as you said!


Well I just wanna say I want more like this

Thank you😄


Completed the game, took 14 minutes.

First - very cool idea! It is rare for game jams, but I think this can work out in a full game.

Unlike @Bonpsi, I didn't feel the metaphor. He wrote:

> that one bit where the child bounces through loads of red spikes, but misses all of them: this is a great example of the paranoia of being a parent
Was it intentional or just random?

Age 13, there is a big long waiting period at the beginning. It would be nice to cut it out. It is followed by relatively hard (took 4-5 attempts) carrying ball, so it's boring to wait over and over again.

Physics seemed ok. I didn't feel any significantly strange behaviour.

Change the game cover image on Itch - your game looks better than this:)


Thank you for cover image i make is bad becaus of time limit but  i will fix it..

Dunno if this is okay if you need something better just lemme know

Again thank you for the cover that you made for my game! 

I`d like to use it if you`d allow me to?

no probs


i lyk the game.. and for first attemot. its a quite good...!!. unique game


I got to age 15 until I raged quit - I am a bad parent.

Things I liked:
- The gameplay works perfectly as metaphor, I genuinely felt responsible for the child and I genuinely thought the child was going to kill itself around any corner.
- Age 15, that one bit where the child bounces through loads of red spikes, but misses all of them: this is a great example of the paranoia of being a parent.
- The cancer wall scared me. I wonder if, rather than a large wall hitting you, maybe this could be represented by the pink character fading away slowly by tweaking the alpha value?
- The art style in the first scene is great, with the felt-like textures, you should've kept it all the way through.

My main critique would be the physics of the child and the parent. The child doesn't bounce correctly, which makes the game unfair. If you were to make this again, I would spend longer making sure the child has more predictable collision physics.


Thankyou for appreciation..since i am very weak in coding thatswhy physics of ball is bad.. But i fixed that when i gt chance